
Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Bit Of Clarification For Nestors Out There

Well, I thought I would provide a small explanation about the Neverending Stori from what I have been told by those who should know.

You do not NEED two referrals. There seems to be a misconception about this.

However, you will not earn as fast or as much. Worst case scenario your account will max out at 1% a day ($1 a day.) So you'll still earn money, and it's a good venture. Use that profit for two accounts under you and watch your account kick ass. (Little strategy there for you folks.)

I could write a lot more about the subject, but I won't, I just thought I would clear that little discrepancy up! I know some people have been hesitating, worrying they will need two referrals for sure and afraid they couldn't get them.

This is chancer signing out and that was my 95th post! Hope you're all digging the blog and hope I'm updating it enough. :)


Blogger chancer said...

Sorry mate, you may have missed it but I now refer to Neverending Stori investors as Nestors. (Nes Investors, geddit?) :)

Well, as has been stated before, it's a venture capital/hyip/mlm/matrix style thing that looks to be very promising and is being handled by Gordon and GMI. Basically you drop $100 into it and forget about it, and after a few weeks you will start to receive automatic payments into your payment processor of choice. If you can get two referrals your income will balloon even more.

Hope that helps. Just click on the link on the main page to sign up as I don't know how to drop a link to the site in a comment box!

9:34 AM  

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