
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Good Concept (Not So Creative)

Sick of autosurfs for a while, I decided to go back to a traditional HYIP with my punt money.

Just so y'all know, I've already been paid my daily profit for this one. Nice - like a really pretty autosurf, but you don't need to do anything. Just remember to hedge your bets!

Why? Well I don’t have to bloody log in every day and surf.

So I chose Creative Concepts as my latest gamble.

Why? They’re pretty new. (Relatively speaking - for a HYIP that payouts less than 5 - 10% a day.) They have a pretty site. They have paid-for threads in the big forums and are steadily picking up interest.

Did I mention they have a hot site?

Why is this important? Well, trad-HYIPs as I shall call them, have an awful tendency of going the distance with a beautiful site, good english, and all the other basic stuff combined with good management. Just month after month after month (6 months to a year.)

Those clouds… they are just so soothing.

Automatic withdrawals to E-Gold every day, with a ten dollar minimum.

Bah, they’re a gamble, but more fun than an autosurf for now. (If you like taking a bit of a gamble which can reap you massive rewards.)

Creative Concepts

The site is just so pretty, and the admin so well written…

Forgot to mention they have a page with statistics on their trades. Now, this can easily be faked and the like, but adding little extras like this to a trad-HYIP can make a huge difference to their life cycle - people think they’re really trading. (And who knows, there’s a one in a however many chance they are, but lets not kid ourselves.)

They even threw in some negative ones for good measure. :p


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