
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let me tell you a little NEStori

Something relatively new and intriguing has caught my eye - The Neverendingstori.

But a stori has a beginning so here it is -

A long time ago (well, a few years) there was a man called Gordon Doherty. He had a financial vision to bring Venture Capital to the HYIP arena of online investing, and did so through Global Mutual.

Now, Global Mutual is, according to the site itself, not your typical HYIP. And so far, it has faced many problems - but throughout all these problems Gordon and co. have overcome adversity and steered Global Mutual back on track.

Currently, due to some hacking, and stealing of funds, the interest rates are down to 0.25% a day minimum in the normal plans. This is expected to go back up again shortly.

I can make no guarantees as to Global Mutual, but the Due Dilligence done by the likes of community experts like Derrik on the HyipDiscussion boards (see this thread for example) prove Gordon's willingness to be transparent. There are still some questions raised by the likes of Devilboy on those boards, and hopefully they will be answered soon.

The beauty of this, and the reason the questions can be answered, is because Gordon opens the doors of his actual, physical offices in Australia to anyone who wants to come check it out.

So, I have faith in Global Mutual, and it hasn't failed me yet. I would reccomend it - but as usual, I give no guarantees.

Global Mutual.

So, what is the Neverendingstori?

Why, it is an offshoot of Global Mutual with a unique concept behind it. I'm not supposed to discuss it any more than that - all I can say is you need $100 and a Pecunix (rather than E-gold, as of now) account!

I don't know too much about the NEStori, and I don't know what's going on behind it. But, I'm taking an educated leap with this one because those who have seen the concept behind it call it brilliant (refer back to Derrik's post for example, a trusted member of the community, over at Hyipdiscussion) and Gordon and Global Mutual (GMI) haven't failed me yet!

The Neverending Stori

I have a feeling this could be the next big thing, or at least the next cool and different thing!

Hey, but like I said, no guarantees! I'm championing them, because they are somewhat the underdog, much like Gordon states Pecunix is. And I love a good underdog rising up for victory!

Have fun, good luck and keep it real.


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