
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Further Adventures In Autosurfing (TM)

Well, I decided to spread my wings a little more in the autosurf arena once again, so hence this article – Further Adventures in Autosurfing.

First up, Black Gold Surf. They offer the same compensation plan as 12DailyPro did… 12 % for 12 days. They offer a lessor referral fee of 5%. Their site is nowhere near as pretty as WiredSurf or PhoenixSurf and is in fact quite template-y (but so was 12DP and look how that turned out for at least six months!.) They have been around since the 7th of December 2005. I am taking a plunge with a minimal amount because they have been recommended quite whole heartedly to me, at least for a couple of cycles. My reasoning here is – if I had put $50 in at the start of 12 Daily Pro and just cycled it, where would I be now! (Assuming I started to take the profit out before the collapse.) Something which influenced me further was some respected members of community enjoying the fact that they were getting same-day payouts! So the system is in its infancy and might be worth a ride. I don’t think it has as much potential as the others, but is worth a go. That is not to say it is WITHOUT potential either, as I still think it does have potential, maybe just not the explosive potential that the new “Big Two” might have.

They’re at about 10,000 users at the moment. Managed well, and without a Scampay debacle they could pull well up to 300,000… so plenty of time to make a profit if they don’t scam off. I must admit the inside of the site is a little prettier than the outside (splash page.)

Then there’s the other ‘new’ Big Gun. Phoenix Surf. These guys offer 15% for 8 days… 20% profit. I draw some similarities with Wired Surf with these guys. I think they’ve been mentioned here before once or twice. They’ve been designed to rise from the ashes and are keeping the members informed.

“Christian Riddel” (I think I got the spelling right!) who used to post as Antioch at places like HYIPDiscussion is acting as an advisor to PhoenixSurf. I always quite liked his candour and found his discussion educational and his business etiquette impeccable. So far they’ve done such things as (apparently) consult an MLM lawyer and are planning to move offshore completely already (as of early next week) following rumours that the US is going to try and continue to clamp down on US based autosurfers, claiming they are selling ‘unlicensed securities’ and such. They never call their ‘investments’ investments though remember… you’re buying advertising and getting a return on it! Remember, I see Autosurf’s as a bit of a risk, though perhaps a bit lower than the likes of most HYIPs, but for long term stability stick with things like NSFG, Udachu, etc. even Fx-Experts for a more ‘real’ edge to it all.

They’re keeping their main page continouslly updated too, and their forums are informative. There’s been a little controversy so far about the group behind it all, including Antioch… but the way they have explained their motives so far have impressed me. Perhaps a better bet than BlackGoldSurf, but I think that I will stick WiredSurf above them. I’ve got some in each though, then to play with profits… all other cashola moves into my own forex trading account (hey, I’m learning, gimme a break!) and the much lower risk programs.

But for quick, big, returns at a comparatively lower risk rate to other net based programs – autosurfers are a good bet.

Nice forums too… not too much BS there, at least not yet!

Here’s a promising update from February 24th… These guys are new new new, but promising promising promising.

“Dear Members,

We are almost halfway through with our first tremendous week here at
Phoenixsurf. New members continue to join at a rate faster than
almost any ther autosurf program in history!

This weekend I will be traveling to meet with Jonathan Mikula
and some other key leaders in the NME organization. We will be
discussing how to make PS the number one program in the industry
and more importantly, how to maximize this opportunity for our
membership base.

We have made an important temporary change: We understand
that some members are having difficulty funding their E-gold account.
Because of this, they are worried that their account will be deleted
(7 days) before they have an opportunity to upgrade their account.
We have extended the deadline form 7 to 30 days for new memebers
to upgrade thier accounts to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to
upgrade their account!

In addition, Jonathan Mikula and myself will be making some HUGE
announcements this weekend so please stay posted!

If you have any suggestions to make improve your experience
here at PS, please post them on our Forum!

In addition, attached is a letter Jonathan Mikula drafted in response
to the position NME has taken with the current state of affairs in
the autosurf industry. We believe that it is CRITICAL for each and
every one of our members to understand our motives and our direction.


Gabriel Frankewich


So, check out Phoenix Surf.

So, another adventure in autosurfing?

How about the Studiotraffic Saga. These guys have been around for ages now (2 + years from memory) and introduced their own payment processor. There has been a small rumbling of Phoenix Surf wanting to do this (not necessarily a good sign) but no actual ‘word’ on it yet. It seems everyone wants to do it these days…

So, for those of you who don’t know – Studiotraffic offered 1% for 365 days. The original king. Then after a while they introduced Studiopay, their own payment processor and payments began to slow (much like Pips and Picpay.) There’s been lots of changes – we’ve had to give profits back for advertising campaigns, upgrades now last 300 days, etc.

Now the latest news is that ‘in profit’ members are gonna have to WAIT. However, despite all the crap going on they’re still here and at least TRYING. Expanding their business, etc. Most people will find they at least break even in this program, which is better than nothing – especially after more than a year of service!

So, while I wait a few months to see if Studiotraffic can pull through on my ‘inprofit’ account or not I just want to give them a salute for pioneering the way and for at least not chucking a runner – even if they have done many questionable things lately!

If you’ve never heard of studiotraffic, go head over to somewhere like HyipDiscussion for all the gory details! That was the very short, barely coherent digest version.

We wouldn’t be where we are today without them - autosurfs, cheerleaders, insane rumours, in hour payment processors: Studiotraffic was one of the heralds of all those movements.

And thus ends today’s further adventures in autosurfing. :)


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