
Saturday, February 25, 2006

WiredSurf And The WiredSurfing

Well, as you all probably know, WiredSurf is back.

But you can't surf yet!

Here's the message:

"For those who were unable to surf today, you will be credited due to the fact not all users are able to access our website since it has not fully propagated yet.

Our program will be fully functional by tomorrow morning, after it has been updated around the world."

I thought this message meant yesterday morning but uh maybe it means tomorrow morning. Either way, it's a surfing holiday and no need to panic! All is good in the hood.

If you're looking for the "next big thing" and need to cure your Autosurfing itch (routine habit rules us as we are habitual animals, you know that right!) - why aren't you in WiredSurf!

"It's da bom' yo."


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