
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Super Juicy GM Update

Once again, my mate Tobor has come through with the good and got in contact with Gordon via phone this afternoon. (April 28th.)

And once again he has come back with a big juicy report. It's quick and detailed and has at least partial answers to probably three quarters of the most pertinent questions! Here it is (taken from here at HYIP Discussion):

"I phoned Gordon late this afternoon Australian time. I suppose that the first bit of reassuring news for those who have never met him is that he answered the phone (ie he has not run away ).

We had limited time (mostly on my part as I deal with some real world issues) so I tried to keep the conversation just to a couple of topics. That in itself is an achievement with Gordon as he has a fast paced mind with a million ideas on the go at once.

The first topic was the web sites and hosting issues. As you are aware GMI and NES have suffered from both DDoS and false spamming attacks in recent weeks. Gordon now has a pretty good idea where the attacks originated. I presumed a competitor but apparently it is more akin to a protection racket from an organisation that creates its own business by attacking and then through a related business/site offers attack-free hosting. I don't know enough about how mean-minded people (or crooks) operate against internet businesses, but I saw the evidence of some of what this organisation did to VC shares.

Anyway, as we know, Gordon was forced to change hosting arrangement and the transfer was not very clean - missing turing numbers, those silly clocks not working and NES login script errors. Gordon has just today secured a better host and will be moving again, this time hopefully with the benefit of lessons learnt from the last move. And he is also putting in place arrangements for an alternate site that he can move to fairly quickly should something happen in the future. I presume that GMI being back online and NES being sort of back (an old backup so I gather from the NES thread?) is because the move is in progress. Gordon expected it would take most of the weekend and even that depended on the availablity of his offshore programmer.

Talking about programmers, Gordon (finally) has found a programmer in his own continent, his own city even. I have seen some of this guy's work and on the surface it looks good. This guy runs his own business so is not Gordon's employee but knows Gordon and how he operates. He starts work next week. Hoohaa!

So we should see some working sites next week and progressively improved sites over the next few weeks. We pray .

My next area of interest was how Gordon's real business was going as our dollars fund this and it in turn will fund our earnings. The revamp has been fairly successful. I say fairly because everything takes longer than Gordon expected but he may be overly optimistic or sets unrealistic timeframes that he then has trouble meeting. But he assures me that new sales are coming through and that he is starting to receive the expected commission based cashflow. He is 2 weeks or more behind where he hoped to be by now. But it is happening.

This led to the inevitable question about withdrawals. Well, Gordon is behind (as we know) and will slowly catch up now that the cash has started to come in. And with the site attacks, he also has struggled to log in to the sites to pay anyone. He did comment that the last round of site attacks started as soon as he said he posted that he was processing payments.

So I personally am hoping to see my withdrawal request (still limited to $100 arghhh ) paid in the next couple of weeks.

Gordon touched on a few other things that were of interest to me but are not for a public forum. But I hope that I covered the essence of the things most on people's minds, certainly what was on mine.

Bottom line is Gordon has not run away, his real business is picking up thanks to our cashflow, he is moving to a new site with DoS protection, he has a more reliable programmer starting next week and he will resume payments as the business commissions come in."

The most important point to me is that Gordon has found a local, non-'sporadic' programmer. Just having continually working websites will be a sigh of relief for many of us I believe.

Next up, the NES site is indeed back up, but off an old backup it would appear. I have a few accounts there, and my newer accounts can't log in, and my original account - way back from close to the launch date - is back in November/December last year in terms of details/payments.

Let's hope they have a newer backup...

Anyway. At least the SQL error has gone!

It'll be nice to see some withdrawals processed again...

But I'm sure what many of you are waiting for are VCShares dividends. Gordon assured me last time we spoke that once he'd done the latest round of withdrawals he'd issue dividends. I assume he'll keep his promise, it just often times takes him a long time to get to that point.

Which brings a pertinent question - I think all plans should be scrapped and amalgamated into VCShares. VCShares and NES. Everyone with VCShares should then receive equal dividend payments.

It'd make things simpler, add value to the shares, start to soothe the nerves of the VCShares people with shares that are as of now pretty much worth jack...

According to his plan, Gordon is doing something SIMILAR to this, but I think he should go the whole hog. What do you think?

Comment people! No seriously. Have a go. I'll probably get some lame scammer commenting (look at my previous posts!) A bunch of automated spam robots are commenting on my posts, as they do most people, and I leave them there for a laugh. If they spam this post it'll be even funnier.


Don't be afraid to throw your two cents into the pile. I encourage some dialogue.

Ciao y'all... GM always takes two steps forward and one step back.


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