
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Matrix Daily Goes Down The Rabbit Hole

Well Matrix Daily just entered Phase 2 and pulled a stunt I didn't see coming -

RETROACTIVE upgrade adjustments so as of this moment we are all losing money.

So here's a warning boys and girls - do NOT invest any more in Matrix Daily.

I read something about waiting for today's news update, whenever that is forthcoming. Maybe there's a spin to this we are yet to see but I don't think so.

I was expecting for some Red Pill days to be less than profitable but to retroactively change it all?

Not a happy camper. Yet another new swifty (i.e. scam move) pulled by an admin...

But don't forget guys... Autosurfs = games. Remember that important rule next time and you won't get hit as hard if you got hit this time. NEVER treat them seriously.

Anyway, back to my busy week of hibernation, I just thought I should update y'all on the situation!


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