WiredSurf Closes...
Yes, WiredSurf released an email saying exactly that. A follow up email was sent to explain to worried members who didn’t read any further and thought that WiredSurf was CLOSING.
(Which it’s apparently not. Yay, right?!!)
“Earlier today we sent out an email with the subject: Wired Surf Closes…
It went on to give a forum link, where if you had continued you would have been given the following article:
Wired Surf Closes.. .. the gap on the remaining payments and expects to be completely caught up by the end of the week. We are also keeping up with current payouts as well, and will continue to work continously on rebuilding our network.
We have a lot of things in store, as we have mentioned before and we can not wait to re-energize the industry with some of our unique ideas, including our “Surf Pals” program, where members of Wired Surf won’t even have to surf to earn!
We will also be fully launching our Cash Box program on June 1st, so be sure to read all about it at http://www.wiredsurf.com/cashbox.php
What else are we up to? As you may have heard June is the month for free upgrades and prizes. With our $20,000.00 giveaway, active members will be given the chance to win cash, prizes and free upgrades! This thread is available in our Important News folder and will be updated to include additional prizes later in the week.
It’s been a rather quiet weekend around the forums due to the Memorial Day holiday, but we hope to see things pick up tomorrow!
All the best!
PS: Hope the subject line of this thread didn’t scare you =) - After all of our hard work? We aren’t going anywhere!
In any event, our little Memorial Day email that was created to capture attention, backfired on us and MMG ended up putting our program into their closed folder (people don’t seem to take the time to actually follow links to read updates it seems).
Wired Surf is NOT closing, and in fact we are moving ahead, stronger than ever. We apologize for the email and should have been a little more careful with those who might just take the subject line to heart, rather than follow through to read the notice.
It seems our little email attention-grabbing gimmack didn’t work out the way we had planned!
The link to the forum post was: http://www.surfingwire.com/forum/showthread.php?p=23374#post23374
Wired Network”
So, one of the great Autosurf Comebacks continues merrily along.
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