Back Again...
What's been happening in the meantime?
Daily10Surf is still here. And still paying.
My more highly recommended surf of the moment, if you are into that sort of thing, GlobalAdsPro, was apparently the victim of a hacker...
"A whole bunch of accounts using same IP have just been suspended - Congratulations!
Payouts will now take way longer as I will scrupulously audit each and every account, no exceptions.
Automatic upgrades will return to GAP in near future as our technician is working out a solution.
If you are a program owner, feel free to email me for some handy information."
Automatic upgrades are ON for the time-being.Some extra security has been put in place - but of course, unless you're a hacker yourself, it's pretty hard to know how inventive they turn out to be next :|
Payouts are going slow as I am auditing each account as well as e-gold site appears impossible to navigate at the moment.
I will be adding any and all manual upgrades in a few hours."s
Fair enough if true. This doesn't change my stance on their potential potential. In fact, if the three day gap is kept consistent it could benefit the program.
Well that's it with the game/surf updates, more to come later on...
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