
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wired Surf Is Paying!

Well, here's your daily dose of positive news:

There’s been reports that WiredSurf is paying! Yay! So anyone that was holding out for that first payrun now has confirmation. Didn’t take them long to get straight into it either.

Well, in relation to all the current SEC stuff floating around here’s a positive posting from WiredSurf admin and their view on matters:

“It seems like other surf administrators are privy to information that Wired Surf, and the rest of the world don’t have access to. Surfs are changing to manual believing that would help them comply with invisible regulations that haven’t ever been created, let alone posted.

While manual surfing may help increase the value of the product being sold (advertising), if an auto surf program comes under scrutiny by the SEC, or FBI, it just won’t make a tiny bit of difference, whether the ads are whizzing by in an auto surf bar, or people are forced to click after each page and so many seconds.

It seems the real point has been lost upon auto surf programs that seem to be clamoring to make changes without really understanding that the real changes they must make won’t be completed by taking a site offline for a couple of days.

The problem that the SEC has with auto surf programs is rather clear, despite them not having posted a step by step blueprint to building the perfect auto surf program. They are concerned that an auto surf is a ponzi, if not supported by viable products that yield high profits, and are comparable to the revenue that the surf program brings in from upgrades, or ad credit purchases.

Changing the surf bar, modifying the phrases and ‘tweaking’ the program is a complete waste of effort. The programs real focus needs to be on creating outside sources of revenue that if analyzed, would compare at least to some degree, with the revenue generated from the auto surf portion of the network or company itself.

Despite all the sudden panic-stricken changes surf programs are making, there have been very few if any who really seem to understand where their time and attention should be focused.

Perhaps a simplistic explanation needs to be written:

Basic Auto Surf Program: 1 week to 4 month life span.

Auto Surf Program with paid ad revenue: 2-6 month life span

Auto Surf Program With Viable Products, Solid business plan, start up capital, Large Scale Revenue Streams and TRULY SEC compliant?”

That last bit is the important bit where WiredSurf seem to be bigging themselves up. Well, they’re confident at least…


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