
Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Jack For Diggos

My daily WTF moment came this morning when I checked my inbox to find the following email from Jack Sinclair. I don't know who Jack Sinclair is (or am having a temporary memory blank) and it is most likely spam or random advertising, but I find it quite amusing because it's well written without the usual spammy attributes, had no links in it, and ties in with the fact that I am quite interested in Diggos at the moment.

The universe works in mysterious ways!

"Just a quick note to let you know Diggos is performing well and paying
all requests within 24 hours.
The admin, Peter, has a winner on his hands.


Jack Sinclair"

Why, thank you Jack! I would say it is an official notice of some sort from Diggos, but I am too lazy to check. Let's leave it as a mystery, because mysteries are fun.


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