
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Global Mutual Support

Well, here's the latest word from TJ about Global Mutual tickets and support:

"Okay, i have answered all posts in the forum and all tickets up to those dating back to Feb 10.. Some earlier tickets that remained open beyond that date i have just close without replying to it.. why? Cuz most of those old tickets, i have just solved cuz they submitted new tickets about the same problems.

But if you had an old ticket that hasn't been solved yet or replied to, please submit a new ticket..."

Basically, if you've still got an outstanding problem the support is now pretty much refreshed, and back in action, so submit a new ticket!

Good to see all these positive Global Mutual updates these days.

Don't forget to check out VC Shares and Neverending Stori as well. *shameless plug.*

As Dr. Frankenstein said... "It's alive!"


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