
Monday, May 08, 2006

Wired... Nearly Back

Apparently! Hopefully.

Not many updates for a while as not much has been happening.

Here's an overview of some basic stuff:

NSFG - Received latest email/newsletter. It was a 0% month in April, as I'm sure you all know by now.

UdachuFund - Received my statement.

And now onto WiredSurf:

Here's their latest update.

"Our messages have been rather strange lately, with announcements that our site was online only to have it taken back offline shortly after. The reason for this is because RackSpace informed us on two seperate ocassions that our site was back online, without having fully explained that the protection that was installed on the server can take up to three days to be active.

They do not want to make the site accessible until the protection is fully implemented. We are being informed that this can take up to 72 hours (three days) to be in full effect.

In light of this, it seems that we should all expect the site back online, without further problems, on Tuesday."

Most importantly, here's a second tidbit:

"We will begin paying out the moment the site is back and stable. People with regular pending payments and InstaPay will all be paid with no fees, not even the regular 1% charge.

Please keep your faith in Wired Surf. We haven't been given the chance yet to show you just how strong we are, but once we rise above this (and we will in a big way), there will be no question that our intentions are to stay around for a long time to come AND that we have the means to do so."

So guys, not long now. Sit tight. I actually have 80 - 90% faith they'll be back on time and pay for months to come yet.

And they say no news is good news so the last few days musta been pretty darn good!


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