
Monday, October 02, 2006

Aut0Surf Now Zero...

Well, one of the ‘gram network’ has fallen by the wayside…

At least ‘Scott’s’ final appraisal is honest.

“I hate to say it but the time has come to close Aut0Surf.

The current stats are

Users: 910

Active: 802

Invested: 2427.00 Grams

Paid Out: 2329.16 Gram

Of course as stated from the start there will be no refunds and there is no way I am about to start using other funds to bail this out.

I am sorry to those who lost, but please remember you all knew the risks.

I have just sent a PM to Jason (asfx) to move this thread.

I am expecting panic on the other programs I run, but I will not and I dont think the admins of MMG will allow any kind of attack.

Please note as an admin I have only kept 4% of the funds.”

And a little more from the admin:

“I know that some people are mad, but I gotta say thanks to all for your support.

My other two programs will be ran the same way. From the start I have explained what I am doing and I aint going no where.

I, like the people who lost, feel a little downhearted, but we should all know that these sites are not real profit making businesses. They are games, and by running the games fair means people and the admin make a little profit.

No one here should be making thousands, its not possible. We are here to make a few extra bucks to buy the little things in life your normal salary cant afford.

Play in a site for a few weeks, and if you make a profit take the wife out for a nice meal, buy your kids a new toy that they have been on about for weeks, or put the profit in a regular savings account.

If you think that by playing these games you can leave your full time job you need a real shock, and you might get it when a site you invest BIG $$ in vanishes.

We are a communitity of people, who wanna make a profit. Of course everyone can not be a winner.

If you do not understand what we are all doing here then please go and visit and start looking up porn or warez and leave the MMG world.”

Like I said, at least he is continuing the honest streak… A bummer nonetheless. Aut0surf just need some fire under its butt to really catch on and last a few months but despite best efforts didn’t spark - will NetGlobalTraffic, or will it be adversely affected by the closure of Aut0Surf? Not to use a crappy cliche, but ‘time will tell!


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