
Friday, October 13, 2006

"Oh it's Heaven!"

That’s a Curb Your Enthusiasm reference (the second episode of the first season with Ted Danson.)

“Everything’s heaven with him!”

Which leads me to Blue Heaven Mails.

Currently I’m in two surfs after the ‘Gram Network’ went bye-byes a little earlier than expected, which I will get to later in another one of my badly patented “Chancer’s Surf Updates.”

Although two is my usually liked number, I’m always on the lookout for the latest trick or gimmick and I think Blue Heaven Mails have it.

All my usual comments about big up-and-comer surfs applies (fairly pretty site, blanket advertising, etc.) however the gimmick, the unique spin, here lies within the fact that instead of surfing each day you have to read an email.

(TIP: Keep that anti-virus scanner handy, just in case - just as you should when surfing.)

So, it has the PTR crowd, it has the AutoSurf crowd, it has somewhat UNIQUELY (ooh capitals!) intermingled the two - and it is getting curious buzz, which is the best kind as it leads to word of mouth.

Blue Heaven Mails - it’s still extremely fresh, and will it be heaven? Time will tell.

(Also please note that reading an email seems to be a much more effective frame of advertising than an autosurf, so maybe this will attract some people actually wanting to advertise for a change, as so many surfs who’ve tried to legitamize in the past have tried to.)

So that’s a curio - and here’s the current Big Gun: EmeraldSurf.

This one just keeps getting more and more buzz, and like fallen giant AlienSurf, Friday is cashout day - which means if you upgraded today and surfed - you could then cash out and be paid tomorrow.

Just thought I’d mention that as Friday is the day when activity EXPLODES with this monster, it’s definitely the flow (whereas the rest of the week is the ebb.)


Look for my updates on this beast, with lots of potential, in a few days as the weekly updates are released…

And the beleagured GlobalAdsPro just doesn’t give up… An admirable trait!

“Hello All,
Took a much needed break from “here” today (well, yesterday for me - 1:25am Friday morning here) - very busy day too, but had my beauty sleep for a few hours and back to it now - thank you for your patience awaiting replies to support enquiries - checking them now.
Needless to say, payouts will continue shortly :)


Phew… overnight mail has been responded to and I didn’t even need my chamomile tea ;) - I’m still trying peeps. Also, have a look at this - actually, I got a couple of such uplifting emails today and I say THANK YOU to the authors:

Somebody said it couldn\’t be done, as he with a chuckle replied… That maybe it couldn\’t..but he would be one, who wouldn\’t say so till he tried! So, he bulkled right in, with a trace of a grin (on his face if he hid it..who knew it?) And he started to he tackled the thing.. that couldn\’t be done.. AND HE DID IT!


WOW… I’m not even sure I am able to express how I felt seeing members post in a couple of forums with their words of support and willingness to donate funds to help recover the hacked ones…it really cost me a great deal to make that post mentioning the hack, but I really did not want anyone (especially Misty!) to think wrong about me. I truly am trying my best here, and, like it or not, am a litle proud of myself that I managed SDU for almost 14 months now and GAP for around 3 - even though it’s been a bumpy road more often than not. I don’t know about others, but it is really not easy to sleep somebody out there is waiting for a payment - fact is, as I have written in previous updates, there is still a long road to catching up all older payments. Even if wanted to pull more of my personal funds, I can’t … there are none left and whatever comes in the meantime, goes straight to the GAP account for payouts. (David B. iffered $100 to be deducted from his account for me to go out or treat myself to something - such a big heart, David - but how could I possibly?).
I am trying to be as fair and square with payouts as possible (and NO, I do not pick some members over others! like some are trying to suggest) - I basically try to do what is most efficient timewise as well as for creating new cash so it may be used for generating recovery funds for what was lost and hopefully help me rebuilt the reserves. With one exception…occassionally, if a member has just received a payment, considering there are many others waiting with 2 or more pendings, I will rather send a payment to another person, instead of 2 payments to the same person. And it hurts me too. There is nothing more that I am willing to see again than a payout list where there is only one pending for each person!
Back to your offers of donating to a recovery fund - I spent 2 days thinking about it and, as much as I appreciate your good will (I do!), I’d rather avoid going in that direction right now - it is heavy as it is to carry the financial burden for so many people. Instead, what I am hoping I am seeing in the correct way, there is a slight increase again in new signups and re-purchases - so, if you are able to re-purchase more often, it will have same effect as donating to a fund, as it ill place more funds that can be put to work again. I have places where I have a very good record of generating extra funds and no funds to put in there.
Please, try not emailing me about payments you have not received, please - try to look instead at the ones you HAVE received…
I realise this is getting far too long for this message section, but just wanted to let you know I am here and still trying to not give up
take care
Trish ”

Oh, and coolly enough (blue = cool, remember) with Blue Heaven Mails you get a Joke Of The Day when you log in, keeping with the whole PTR theme. Its like an autosurf, but easier, more effective advertising, and a unique theme which could/should grab the mass consciousness’ attention… A good bet? :D


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